Stewart Fleming Primary

Stewart Fleming Primary School

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Modern Foreign Language

Home | Learning | Curriculum | Subjects | Modern Foreign Language

Modern Foreign Language







Subject Leader Statement – Miss Bucknor
“MFL allows children to communicate, connect, and interact with a wider global community, facilitating international trade, travel, and employment opportunities in the future.”

“A different language is a different vision of life” – Federico Fellini

As part of Stewart Fleming’s ethos of providing inspiring lessons to our children, we offer French lessons which are in line with the current National Curriculum.  Children have the opportunity to learn about France and French cultures, particularly on 14th July – Bastille Day!  Children are able to build upon their personal goals of communication and cooperation by practising their skills through exciting role play and French dialogue.

Curriculum Intent for French
Learning a language is key to a child’s learning development and to their identity in today’s world. As the UK is becoming increasingly multilingual, here at Stewart Fleming, we believe it is our duty to provide our children with an understanding of other cultures and languages. We believe that learning a language supports and celebrates the international dimension. Not only are children given the opportunity to gain insight into the world of others, but also reflect upon their own cultural identities. Furthermore, we believe that learning a language stimulates children’s creativity. We encourage the children to enjoy languages through singing, rhymes, poems and stories. Finally, we believe that learning a language supports oracy and literacy. The children spend much of their time speaking, singing, taking part in role plays and performing to audiences. We believe this critical for effective communication as well as a key foundation for literacy.

To be able to listen to longer text and more authentic foreign language material.

To learn to pick our familiar words and learn to ‘gist’ listen even when hearing language that has not been taught or covered.

To learn to recall previously learnt language and recycle/incorporate it with new language with increased speed and spontaneity.

To speak in longer sentences and use particular sentence structures more flexibly to create own sentence.

To engage in short conversations on familiar topics, responding with opinions and justification where appropriate.

To read longer texts aloud that containing taught phrases and vocabulary.

To understand a short text made up of short sentences with familiar language on a familiar topic.

To decode unknown language using bilingual dictionaries or word lists.

To adapt taught phrases to create new sentences.

To write a short, simple text from memory, using simple sentences from one familiar topic with reasonable spelling.

To start to incorporate conjugated verbs and to be comfortable using connectives/conjunctions, adjectives and possessive adjectives.

To consolidate understanding of gender nouns, use of the negative, adjectival agreement and possessive adjectives.

To be confident with full verb conjugation- both regular and irregular.

French is taught from Year 3 to Year 6 by their class teacher. We use the program Language Angels. At the beginning of each term, the children have a have a French day where the children have the opportunity to practice the 5 key skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing and grammar). This is carried out in the classroom through role play, songs, quizzes, games, key texts and creative activities. The children have access to bilingual dictionaries and books to deepen their skill set and independently decode language. They are able to practice real-life scenarios and use key language to ask and respond to questions. A variety of topics are covered throughout the year providing a range of vocabulary and knowledge. The children have French assemblies during which they learn songs and can develop learnt language.

Long Term Plan