Stewart Fleming Primary

Stewart Fleming Primary School

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Personal Goals
Home | Learning | Personal Goals
Personal Goals







Here at Stewart Fleming every child is encouraged to demonstrate the Personal Goals everyday whilst at school. The Personal Goals refer to the individual qualities and learning dispositions children will find essential to become life-long learners. It is the role of teaching staff at Stewart Fleming to help facilitate the development of these goals so that children reflect on them when learning. The development of the Personal Goals will support every child as they enter into an ever-changing world when they become adults.

The Personal Goals are reflected in the whole of the curriculum here at Stewart Fleming and in all other aspects of school life too. They include the following: empathy, resilience, principles, collaborator, thoughtfulness, cooperation, ethical and adaptability. Every class has a Personal Goals display to highlight its importance to the children.

Below are examples of the Personal Goals that children demonstrate every day whilst at Stewart Fleming Primary School.


We are searching for knowledge through questioning and research.

We are ready to find out more.


We are able to cope in a variety of situations and approach a task with confidence.

We are ready to change.


We keep on trying even when we find something difficult.

We keep trying.


We know the difference between right and wrong and show this through what we say and how we behave.

We make responsible choices.


We can share our thoughts and feelings to others through our speech and our actions.

We are ready to give and receive information.


We are kind and supportive.


We can work alongside other people, understanding that everyone has a role to play within the group, as well as respecting each other’s views and ideas.

We learn as a team


We show respect for the needs of other people, living things and the environment.

We think about others.