Stewart Fleming Primary

Stewart Fleming Primary School

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Pupil Voice

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Pupil Voice







School Council

At the start of the year, the children in each class vote for two representatives for their class. They work throughout the year on representing their class in school council meetings. They will meet with the headteacher and Mr Mason-Ellis to describe the views of their class.

Digital Leaders

There are two Digital Leaders in every class. They are chosen by the class teacher and computing lead to assist, model and lead the use of technology around the school. They are responsible for ensuring that technology is used safely and will show children the correct way to use technology. They meet every other Wednesday in the computing suite with the computing lead. They will plan and run break time clubs to children in their year group and others to build their leadership skills and share their understanding of technology. 

Eco Warriors

The Eco Warriors meet each half term to discuss ways to decrease the use of electricity, waste and improving green spaces around the school. The children have used litter pickers to clear areas of plastic. They have created posters reminding that lights should be turned off after use. They have begun work on improving the green spaces e.g. the garden areas and pond.