Stewart Fleming Primary

Stewart Fleming Primary School

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Support and Resources
Home | Wellbeing | Support and Resources
Support and Resources







Parent Zone

Parent zone provide support and information to parents, children and schools, working globally to help families to navigate the internet safely and confidently.


StarLine is a national home learning helpline offering expert information and advice to parents and carers.


The following link gives you access to a list of NHS approved apps, for mental health support for children to access while at home –

The Skills Toolkit

Find free, high quality digital and numeracy courses in The Skills Toolkit –

Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities (EPEC)

The course offers an early, low-level intervention, empowering parents to improve communication, behaviour management, family dynamics and parent-child relationships. The sessions empower parents to share experiences, learn new skills and practice these alongside other parents. Any parents or carers of children aged over 2 and under 12 years are welcome to join.

To register, please click here

EPEC Flyers

Reducing Parental Conflict offer in Bromley

Please see below and attached resources pertaining to the Reducing Parental Conflict support available in Bromley. Support from this service can be offered to any family, that experiences parental conflict and its negative effects are impacting children’s outcomes. They aim to support every family including parents who are separated or thinking about separation.

Marketing and Sales Graph

Social Eyes - Supporting your Child's Behaviour

Supporting Emotional and Social Communication Needs