Stewart Fleming Primary

Stewart Fleming Primary School

Home | Learning | Curriculum | Subjects | Writing
Home | Learning | Curriculum | Subjects | Writing







Subject Leader Statement – Mr Leggatt – English Lead
“Writing is a vital skill for children, as it is the cornerstone of their literacy skills and facilitates effective communication in all aspects of life.”

English is taught five times a week using CUSP. Lessons are taught in a sequence with an emphasis on oracy and vocabulary acquisition and retention. Each unit leads to an independent write and also allows additional time for additional content to address the needs of the class.

At Stewart Fleming we cover a wide range of genres using a variety of texts which to stimulate and inspire children. Each week tiered vocabulary is introduced that links with the text to ensure that our children have access to a vocabulary rich curriculum which allows children to engage and connect deeper with a text. Studying a range of texts through each unit allows to explore and immerse themselves in new texts and gain a more coherent understanding of the different ways in which we use writing to communicate. The children are exposed to many different genres of writing and skills are developed in order to write independently at length. The genres are then revisited in a block B so that they can deepen their understanding. Although we use CUSP we will adapt the texts to suit the needs of our children. Whether that be by adapted the cultural focus or the content.

At the start of each unit, the children stick in a knowledge note which outlines the key skills required within a genre. Please see below. These skills are revisited and built upon in block b of the genre. The focus of the lessons within the unit will be based on the skills provided in the knowledge note.

In EYFS texts are carefully selected to ensure that children are exposed to a variety of genres and authors. Texts are linked to provision throughout the EYFS environment to ensure that children are immersed in the books and have opportunities to rehearse and use the language – both through speaking and listening and through writing. Reading for pleasure is promoted through regular whole class story times and appropriate texts are linked and available for children in the different areas of the classroom.

Tiered Vocabulary, Knowledge Organiser and Model Texts

As part of CUSP, each unit is designed to ensure the children use appropriate skills within their writing. This is supported through the use of a knowledge organiser, which the children can refer back to if they are unsure about particular concepts.

Every unit will feature a range of model texts to support and scaffold the children’s writing. The children will be exposed to a wide range of rich writing to support their confidence to write. 

Long Term Plans