Stewart Fleming Primary

Stewart Fleming Primary School

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Stewart Fleming Primary School

Curriculum Intent

Here at Stewart Fleming Primary School we pride ourselves in giving the children in our care the very best education. By providing a broad and balanced curriculum for the children that we teach, we believe they will become life-long learners. Every day we provide children with unique learning experiences which help our children to explore, discover and question through a range of exciting opportunities provided by dedicated and inspirational staff. The vehicle in which we achieve this is by using the International Primary Curriculum (IPC).

The International Primary Curriculum provides the children within our care a clear process of learning with specific learning goals for the subjects of History & Geography that are linked to the National Curriculum objectives.

Aims and objectives of learning using the International Primary Curriculum

The IPC has been developed to achieve the following for all children:

  1. To learn the subject KnowledgeSkills and Understanding of what they are being taught so they become life-long learners.
  2. To develop the Personal Goals of all children which are essential components that they will use as life-long learners.
  3. To encourage children to develop an International Mindset so they become aware of the national, international, global and intercultural perspectives and can then make a positive contribution to society.

Knowledge, Skills & Understanding


This refers to factual knowledge, Prior to every IPC unit that the children are taught, they complete a Knowledge Harvest. This is where the children record any prior knowledge that they have regarding the new topic that they are about to start. This is then added to at the end of the IPC and is a fantastic way to demonstrate the progress that the children have made. Other ways in which this strand is taught and assessed is through quizzes, tests and multiple-choice questions.


This refers to the things that children are able to do. Skills have to be learned practically and need time to become imbedded with each child. The more practice a child does, the better they become. Skills are also transferable and tend to be more stable than knowledge.


This refers to the development or ‘grasping’ of conceptual ideas, the ‘lightbulb’ moment that we all strive for. Understanding is always developing.

K   +  S   =   U
Knowledge    +       Skills        =     Understanding

IPC Structure

Entry Point

The Entry Point starts every unit of the IPC that the children are taught. It provides an exciting introduction creating ‘Memorable Moments’ for the children. At Stewart Fleming Primary School, the Entry Point for each year group takes place on the first day of a new term or half term.

Knowledge Harvest

The Knowledge Harvest takes place in the early stages of each unit and provides an opportunity for children to reveal what they already know about the themes they are studying. This bank of knowledge can then be added to, developed and even challenged by the teacher, throughout the course of the unit.

Exit Point

At the end of an IPC unit, the children take part in an Exit Point. The Exit Point has two main purposes. First, to help children pull together their learning from the unit and second, to celebrate the learning that has taken place. This can be done through a variety of different ways. At Stewart Fleming Primary School we have shared our learning with other year groups and also with parents which the children loved doing creating even more ‘Memorable Moments’ for them to remember.

Every day at Stewart Fleming Primary School is a ‘Memorable Moment’ for all the children within out care. Below, you can see some of the Entry & Exit Points that each year group have completed.

Milepost 1 - Year 1 & 2

Milepost 2 - Year 3 & 4

Milepost - Year 5 & 6